Hummus ……More than a starter dip.

As part of a healthy cooking and sharing with my Broadcast Group “Cooking Exotica & Fitness”, I had done Hummus when I was in Kuwait.

That time I could not get the ingredient Tahini off the super market shelves and ended up making own Tahini from Sesame seeds.

A few days back, while scanning through the shelves of ‘Nilgiris’ in Panampally Nagar Kochi I saw Tahini and decided on making hummus again. But I forgot to buy some parsley.

Then why not try the local favourite coriander leaves which were handy, and I must say that the result is equally good if not better.

Here I followed a recipe which serves 8!

Ingredients of this adopted recipe:

2 cups chickpeas pressure cooked

1/2 cup Tahini

1/4 cup olive oil

4 garlic pods

1 tablespoon cumin powder

Powdered black pepper and salt to taste

Freshly squeezed lemon juice

Coriander leaves (you can use parsley instead)

Put the above except coriander leaves into a food processor (I have my favourite Nutribullet) and make into a smooth mixture.

Take out into a dish and pour some olive oil and sprinkle of cumin powder. It’s better to use paprika in place of cumin powder.

You can place some cooked chickpeas into the olive oil floating on the surface.

Decorate with coriander leaves and hummus is ready to enjoy.


Be liberal with lemon juice adding to the taste

Use only two pods (here we are handing big sized pods) of garlic instead of four if you want to reduce the garlic impact

Keep tasting while the food processor is working (I know you have to stop the machine) and add ingredients to suit your taste.

A healthy dish ๐Ÿ‘

Hummus ……More than a starter dip.

10 thoughts on “Hummus ……More than a starter dip.

  1. Hummus really quick, easy & delicious dip. My fav one๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹ ..goes so well with hot pita bread . Even you can try different flavours by adding avocado, beetroot, spinach, roasted tomatoes …..

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